Quality of alpaca wool

The alpaca 

The alpaca is a member of the camelid family (just like the dromedary and the camel), but unlike them, it lives mainly on the South American continent. And he is not the only one of his family to live on this continent. In fact, the llama, guanaco and vicuna are also found there. 

The majority of the alpaca population lives freely in the Andes Cordillera, up to 4,880 metres above sea level. These animals therefore undergo great temperature changes to which their bodies have had to adapt. 

Alpacas are sheared only once a year, during the period most conducive to their well-being, i.e. during periods of great heat. Unlike many wools, alpaca shearing produces up to 3 kg of wool, compared to an average of 150 g for sheep. 

Our suppliers 

As far as the realization of our products is concerned, we trust in the know-how of Peruvians living closest to the alpaca. All the alpacas live in freedom in the Peruvian mountains in their natural habitat. And their shearing is done with respect for the animal and at the most favourable time for its well-being. All our items are produced on site in order to have access to the expertise of local weaving techniques. 

Alpaca Fiber

Alpaca fiber, has, by its many virtues, has been able to respond to issues both ecological and sustainable. 

- The Baby Alpaca :

Contrary to what the name suggests, this fiber does not come from a baby alpaca but from the adult alpaca. The Baby Alpaca is the thinnest thickness of the alpaca, between 18 and 22 microns, and represents the softest part of the alpaca. It is for this softness and quality that our products are essentially worked from Baby Alpaca. 

- Ecological virtues :

First of all, alpaca fiber requires no chemical treatment, bleaching or dyeing. This avoids the use of chemical products that are bad for the planet as well as for the human body.

Secondly, alpaca does not pull out the root of the grass when it grazes, it simply cuts it off, allowing the grass to grow back faster. 

In addition, the alpaca does not have a pointed hoof but has small pads, which allow the preservation of the soil.

Finally, unlike all other wools, alpaca fibre does not contain lanolin. Lanolin is the fatty substance that can be found when caressing a sheep and to remove it you must use products that can irritate the skin of some people. 

- Long-lasting virtues :

First of all, alpaca fibre has many virtues for the person wearing the garment. Due to the temperature variations that alpaca undergoes, its fiber has developed a thermal insulating power 7 times greater than sheep wool and does not emit any odor when wet.

Secondly, alpaca fibre is 4 times more resistant than sheep wool and promises a much longer life span than clothing. 

Finally, because of its strength and fineness, alpaca fibre is the only wool that does not pilling despite washing.