5 tips to escape without travelling

Travelling is a passion that never dulls but since the arrival of COVID-19, certain restrictions have disrupted any travel plans. Cancelled flights or closed borders make it difficult to experience this pleasure again. Fortunately, thanks to some simple and sometimes original things, it is always possible to escape while remaining in the comfort of our own home. Today, BellePaga gives you 5 tips on how to feel elsewhere while staying at home, or almost.
Take a walk, visit cities close to home

Spring is fast approaching, beautiful days are resurfacing and it is inconceivable not to enjoy them while staying within four walls. BellePaga offers you the opportunity to visit the surroundings of your town. We often miss out on a lot of things and the scenery we think we know by heart often still hides a few secrets. Take a walk in the parks, woods, country lanes, whether with your dog, your family and friends or alone, with headphones in your ears, take advantage of this time to recharge your batteries and admire the landscape. If you want to go a little further, go to the nearest beach, visit a town in your country where you have never been before. Whether it's the Venice of the North in Belgium, the Alps in France or Lübeck, the old Hanseatic city in northern Germany, the choice is vast and yours alone.
Visit virtual museums

Technology works miracles, thanks to it, you can now visit museums from your living room. Since the beginning of containment, it is possible to virtually visit monuments, museums and cities all over the world. The Louvre Museum in Paris, the city of Lille, the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam or the Museum of Natural History in New York, their sites offer a realistic excursion to enrich your culture while staying in the comfort of your home. Google Arts & Culture also offers content from over 2000 museums and archives, with the possibility of learning interactively.
Listen to travel podcasts

In your kitchen, on public transport or on a stroll, listen and be lulled by the words of a traveller. This virtual trip will allow you to rest or get active (depending on your current activity) while you escape. There are many podcasts such as Les Baladeurs, What The Pho, The Tought Card, ..., with different themes.
Give a holiday feel to your interior decoration

Project yourself into a summer atmosphere in the comfort of your own home. Depending on your preferences, whether it's a beachfront or the green side of the jungle, you can decorate your rooms with shells, a photograph representative of the specific environment, bamboo or rattan furniture and green plants. In this case, there is no need to travel, your dream place has left its suitcases at home! Maison du Monde, TikaMoon, Zara Home, Ikea or Hema, you will surely find what you are looking for in terms of interior design.
Visit alpaca farms

A totally atypical activity linked to
BellePaga is a visit to an alpaca farm. This allows you to get a change of scenery while learning about the way of life of these camelids. To discover them better, you can stroke them, feed them and even walk them, enough to spend an unforgettable moment with your family, friends or lovers! A visit to an alpaca farm will transport you to an unusual setting and make you travel as if you were in the Andes Cordillera, the animal's natural habitat. The alpaca, by its gentleness, calm and patience, has a beneficial effect on your well-being, that of children and also that of people suffering from autism, hence its place in zootherapy. These alpaca farms are more numerous than you might think, there are some in Belgium, France, Germany and Austria.
Soon, you will be able to visit our new platform to discover the farms near you!