Reduce your expenses in 3 steps

Are you looking for tips to limit your expenses? In this article we give you a maximum of tips to save money. 

faire un budget

Step One: Limit unnecessary expenses.

Before starting, it is important to know what an unnecessary expense is.
It's very simple, you explain:
- They have no impact on your life.
- It may be a compulsive purchase due to your emotions.
- It is about excessive expenditure.

In order to limit your expenses and thus avoid losing hundreds (or thousands) of euros each year, it is important to organize your finances.
But how to do this?

1. Sort your expenses and establish a budget
2. Make a monthly and annual calendar of expenses, this will allow you to foresee the most difficult months and to sort out your unnecessary expenses.
3. You can create an "anti-cracking" kitty, in which you will have all your savings to treat yourself from time to time.

Organizing your expenses is good, but it doesn't do everything!
Here are a few more tips on how to save money.

1. Delete the shopping apps on your phone and don't download them again under any circumstances!
2. Need a new wardrobe? Go for second hand sites.
3. Feeling peckish? Go somewhere else, don't order!
4. Buy more expensive! A paradox you say? By buying more expensive items they will also be of better quality and will last you longer! In the long run you will save money!

It is not enough for you? Then you need to get to know yourself better in order to understand where your expenses come from and how to manage them.

1. Control your emotions: learn to say no to yourself!
2. Develop new spending habits.
3. Remember where your money comes from: working almost 7 hours to buy a new 70 euros t-shirt... it makes you think, doesn't it?

That's it! Now you have all the keys in hand to reduce your unnecessary expenses!


Step Two: Use less energy.

As you have surely noticed, your expenses have taken a hit during the last few weeks. Especially when you look at the price of gasoline or diesel which is constantly increasing. But how can we reduce our energy consumption and anticipate them?

First of all, we will see how to reduce our electricity consumption.

1. Most of your appliances have a program that allows them to go to standby. This does not prevent your appliances from consuming electricity, so it is better to turn them off completely! In some cases, you can save up to 10% on your electricity bill.
2. This is not Versailles! You may have heard someone make this comment before. Remember to turn off the lights! It's very simple, but very effective.
3. ECO mode: use it whenever you run your washing machine or dishwasher.
4. Start your washing machine or dishwasher only when it is full!
5. Turn off and unplug your internet box when you are away. The same goes for your computers or consoles.
6. Avoid the tumble dryer as much as possible!

Reduce your water consumption!

1. Take a shower instead of a bath.
2. Don't take 40-minute showers (yes, even though it's very pleasant...).
3. Turn off the water when soaping and/or shampooing.
4. You can use thermostatic mixing valves or hydro saving aerators on your taps.

Reduce your heating consumption!

1. Insulate your house!
2. Close the cold air inlets as much as possible.
3. Don't heat all your rooms the same way.
4. Turn down your heat when you are not there.
5. BellePaga's tip: choose warm clothes so you don't have to turn up the heat. Alpaca wool is ideal to face the cold in maximum comfort.


Step 3: Do it yourself!

Do you know what homemade is? I guess so. But do you practice it? Doing it yourself will save you a lot of money.
Here are some simple tips on how to make things yourself instead of paying a lot of money for them in the store.

1. Cook! Say no to ready-made meals and UberEats orders.
2. Recycle your clothes.
3. Make your own decorations.
4. Make your own household products. More ecological and economical!

That's it! Now you have all the keys in hand to save money! Hopefully this article has helped you a lot.