Feeling cold feet is something very common, mostly benign. However, this sensation brings significant discomfort and is often difficult to get rid of easily. The causes can be different: anxiety, poor blood circulation or in rarer cases due to real illnesses. In all these cases it is important to recognize certain
symptoms and find the best solutions to deal with them.
Here we will show you what the
different causes are and which symptoms need to be taken care of from the beginning. In case of the presence of these symptoms it is always more prudent to consult your doctor.
In spite of all this information there are also
homemade solutions and remedies for cold feet that are easy to adopt on a daily basis. Take the time to notice what works best for you and adopt the solution you prefer in the long term.
One of the solutions we present to you is
Alpaca wool. This natural fibre has thermo-regulating properties, perfect for that cold foot feeling. Used for centuries in South America, it was considered the "Wool of the Gods" by the Incas and was far more precious than gold.
Cold foot inside
The first reason why this cold foot sensation occurs is
the decrease in blood flow. Indeed, when it is cold our body has a survival function. It contracts the blood vessels in the extremities of our body such as the hands, nose, ears and feet so that less blood circulates through them and thus promotes the circulation of blood to the vital organs.
In addition, it is important to know that a
decrease in blood circulation in the vessels is synonymous with cooling. On the contrary, when blood circulation increases around an organ or part of the body, then that area is warmer.
A second reason for feeling cold feet is
immobilization for a long period of time. This feeling of "tingling in the feet" can sometimes also lead to cold feet. This is often caused by crossing the legs and the blood circulation is less fluid.
Another cause of cold feet is a problem with blood circulation. Some people are prone to
circulatory problems. These people may feel cold feet without being exposed to the cold or anything else.
lack of minerals and vitamins can also be a source of cold feet. Indeed, our body needs a certain number and quantity of vitamins and minerals to ensure its proper functioning. However, when it does not receive all it needs, certain parts of the body make us understand this. This is the case with cold feet.
In this sense, it is also possible to talk about
Raynaud's disease. It is a cold, especially in the hands and feet. The organs also become slightly white, since the blood cannot reach the extremities and even the whole hand.
The final factor in cold feet is
hypothermia. This happens more rarely. It usually occurs after a shock or in case of large injuries and severe bleeding. Once again, it is important to understand that blood circulation is the major cause of this cold foot sensation.
Cold foot remedy
There are a number of solutions to the problem of cold feet. The first, more classic and well-known to all is to put your feet in a warm bath for a few minutes and then put on a good pair of socks to keep them warm.
Unfortunately this remedy is not effective in the long term and must be repeated several times to have a real effect. This is why it would be more interesting to do hydrotherapy.
The idea of hydrotherapy is to go from a hot bath to a cold bath very quickly to circulate the blood. So, take a bath in hot water, the hottest water you can stand. Next to it, put a bath of cold water, again as cold as you can stand. Once in place, first put your feet in hot water for 5 minutes and then put your feet in cold water for 3 minutes. Repeat this movement several times in a row, always finishing with cold water.
It is also interesting to see what effect exercise can have. Indeed, making the body move and especially making your heart move faster allows more blood to be sent to all the organs.
As far as the circulation of blood to the feet is concerned, exercises such as running or swimming will help to activate these organs and thus avoid the feeling of cold feet.
Other remedies also exist, but it is still necessary to have the possibility to use them. Acupuncture is an ancestral medicine that has had many successes. It is known for its ability to relieve many aches and pains, to relax muscles and joints, and also to promote blood circulation. It is of course recommended that this be done by a certified acupuncturist.
Finally, it is possible to take vitamins and use certain plants to improve blood circulation and strengthen the proper functioning of your body.
However, these solutions can help but may take time and may not be as effective in relieving the feeling of cold feet as quickly as possible and in a certain way. This is why we offer you Alpaca wool.
Known for its thermo-regulating properties and for its ability to be soft, keep warm without retaining moisture, it is perfect for these situations.
Alpaca Wool
BellePaga offers you Alpaca wool socks. Produced in Peru, we guarantee you the services of the best Peruvian producers. They have been working the wool for centuries and centuries. This is why their know-how will be able to bring you comfort and softness while carrying you away on a small cloud of tenderness.
The Alpaca is an animal living at more than 4000m of altitude in the Andes Cordillera in South America. This animal must often adapt to temperature differences throughout the day. This is why its coat is so well adapted to different weather conditions.
BellePaga's socks are mainly made of Baby Alpaca. This wool is not the wool of the Alpaca child but part of the hair. Indeed, each part of the hair is different and brings unique qualities.
This is mainly measured in microns, the smaller the size of the fibre in microns the finer and softer it is and the more comfortable it is. The Baby Alpaca is therefore one of the finest fibres, which brings warmth and comfort from the skies.
It is also interesting to know that Alpaca wool is 7 times warmer than sheep wool. However, sheep's wool, as well as cotton, are the main materials found in socks. However, these do not protect against the feeling of cold feet, which can be solved with Alpaca wool.
Alpaca wool socks

Alpaca wool socks will turn you inside out. Having as an important property the thermoregulation, you can be sure of the efficiency of this fiber. Indeed, if it is cold as a duck and you are afraid of losing some toes, put on Alpaca wool socks and see the result right away.
However, even during an evening outdoors when temperatures are rising, don't be afraid of excessive sweating. Foot perspiration can also be a problem. It would be foolish to replace one source of foot worry with another.
Alpaca wool is also a breathable fibre and does not retain moisture. This is why you can wear these socks in all circumstances without thinking about the inconveniences that socks could bring.
The production of BellePaga socks also ensures a certain quality since our products are hand made or finished. Thus, the socks are checked to have no visible seams and cut off blood circulation, on the contrary.
Moreover, our socks will stand the test of time and will accompany you through any challenge you may face. Alpaca wool is 4 times more resistant than sheep's wool and does not pilling. This is why you will not have little ones on your toes, nor will you have the impression of losing quality as you use the socks.
Try our men's and women's wool socks now to ensure your feet stay warm! Goodbye cold feet!
Contact us for any further information, we will be happy to answer your questions!
Don't hesitate to also consult our Men's, Women's and Home & Decoration collections to discover all our Alpaca wool products!